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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is NZPCF's point of difference?

NZPCF is committed to using innovative building technology and transparent operating processes in our development projects. We deliver high quality housing through Insulated Concrete Formwork construction, and all management of the project is open book. The wholesale investor is able to stay informed with all aspects of the project process through our online cloud-based software. This level of transparent operating mitigates risk for the investor.

How is risk mitigated for the investor?

The wholesale investor will have first mortgage security over property in New Zealand. Each project will be owned by a separate project entity, meaning no cross collaterisation. We provide consistent operational transparency, the investor is able to log in to our cloud based project management software to view how the project is progressing.

What sort of properties are secured by NZPCF?

NZPCF secure well located properties in areas with a high demand for housing. Sites that are considered for development are thoroughly assessed by a team of property experts to ensure the site is able to be maximised for a higher return on investment.

How does NZPCF ensure that investors are kept informed about the progress of development projects?

NZPCF is fully open-book and transparent with our investors, providing daily updates on the progress of the development project and the use of funds.

What is the timeline of the investment?

The investment is for the duration of the project.

What is the minimum investment amount?

As a wholesale investor, the minimum investment requirement is $100,000 (NZD).